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Graphite India- Credit Rating

Graphite India- Credit Rating

Write: Tony [2011-05-20]
Nov. 11, 2010 - Graphite India Ltd has informed BSE that ICRA has upgraded / reaffirmed / retained the ratings for the following:
1. Rs. 100 crore NCD programme - upgraded from LAA (pronounced as L double A) to LAA+ (pronounced as L double A plus)
The rating indicates high credit quality. The rated instrument carries low credit risk.
2. Rs. 30 crore Commercial Paper / - reaffirmed at A1+ (pronounced as A one plus) Short Term Debt programme
This is the highest-credit quality rating assigned to short-term debt instruments, instruments rated in this category carry the lowest credit risk in the short term.
3. Rs. 580 crore Line of Credit
i) Long Term - upgraded from LAA (pronounced as L double A) to LAA+ (pronounced as L double A plus)
The outlook on the long-term rating is stable.
ii) Short Term - retained at A1+ (pronounced as A one plus)