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An Expectation for China Car light

An Expectation for China Car light

Write: Paxton [2011-05-20]

2009 is the year could be considered as the toughest year after the 2nd World War. In the beginning of 2009, World Bank had ever forecasted that the global economic total quantity will reduce 1.7%, which is the biggest size of fall after the 2nd World War. However, when stepped in the third season in 2009, the economic index of the main economies in the world stopped decreasing and became steady, more even got warm again.

IMF estimated that the economic depression would stop and economic revival. Even the financial crisis still impacting in the first season of 2010, the world's mainly economies step out the depression and in the new revival period with the help of large scale financial rescue policies and economic stimulus policies.

China's economy continued and grew rapidly. The first half year GDP is CNY17284 billions, increased 11.1% compared with the same period in 2009. Furthermore, the added value of primary industry is 1,336,700,000,000 Yuan, increased 3.6%; that of second industrial 8,583,000,000,000 Yuan, increased 13.

2%; tertiary industry is 7,364,300,000,000 Yuan, increased 99. . With the economic growth engine transfer from stimulated policy to be consumer-driven, the road of global economic revival will be smoother. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs had ever set the global economic growth forecast for 2010 at 3 percent.

The whole China car sales reached 13644.8 thousands; China took USAas the first car sales country, and the sales of China's car lighting market increased substantially. There are more than 4000 cars light manufacturers inChina, whose businesses include headlight, Headlight, Sidelight, Corner Lamp, Rear Light, Fog Lamps, Instruments Lamp, Brake Light, Roof Light, Body Light, signal lamp, Fancy Lamp and other car lights. However, what's a pity that our car light products still cannot enter oversea high-end supporting market. The reason is that we do not have advanced car lighting produce tech. Recent year the application of the automotive lighting device has been developing and advancing. Most vehicle lights had already been applying LED, among them, stop light, tail light and high mount brake light have a large scale application in LED. Even so, as vehicles head lamp illumination, because of needs the high efficiency LED, receives technical as well as the LED price restriction, it takes three to five years to popularize. 2009national vehicle light sales are more than 15 billion RMB, and LED car light control larger and larger proportion of the market year by year. It is forecasted that in 2011 the LED car light sale will account for the t proportion to achieve above 15%, and will get more than 30% in 2015.