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Devt Of Economic Belt

Devt Of Economic Belt

Write: Timothea [2011-05-20]

Devt Of Economic Belt

After several years' development, the economic belt of the northern slope of Tianshan Mountains has become a key development zone for XJ's economic growth. XJ's 12th 5-Year Plan extends the scope of the belt, and plans to develop it into the State's important belt for economic growth.

According to the incomplete statistics, in 2008, the GDP of the economic belt reached 230.49 billion yuan, making up 54.8 percent of XJ's GDP and 2.8 times more than that in 2000.

XJ's 12th 5-Year Plan requires that the northern slope of Tianshan Mountains starts from Hami in East, and ends at Ining in west.



"The northern slope of Tianshan Mountains has great extension in the 12th 5-Year Plan. It covers over 1000 kilometers from east to west, 3 large sized coal fields and two big oil and gas fields."

XJ's 12th 5-Year Plan requires that the economic belt must realize the new type industrialization, farming and herding modernization and new-type urbanization, and well-off society firstly in XJ focusing on Urumqi-Changji Economic Zone, and based by towns and central cities in the area.
