It is noted from the Statistical Bureau of Shaanxi Province that although growth rate of industrial development of Shaanxi Province had slowed down in the first seven months of this year due to bad weathers and water disaster in south Shaanxi. Eight pillar industries continued to grow comprehensively.
In the first seven months, accumulated added value of industrial enterprises of the province had increased by 22.1% year-on-year to 221.806 billion yuan. The growth rate was down by 2.7 percentage points compared in the first six months of this year. Of which, accumulative added value of industrial enterprises with certain scale of the province had reached33.
498 billion yuan in July, an increase of 15.5% compared with same period of last year.
In January to July, development of light industry of Shaanxi Province was better than that of heavy industry. Total industrial output value of industries with certain scale reached 595.015 billion yuan, an increase of 37.5% year-on-year. The growth speed was down by 1.3 percentage points compared with the first six months of this year.
Of which, accumulative industrial output value of light industry had increased by 27.9% year-on-year to 86.946 billion yuan, up by 2.3 percentage points. The accumulative industrial output value of heavy industry had increased by 39.35% year-on-year to reach 508.07 billion yuan, down by 2.1 percentage points.
In the first seven months of this year, eight pillar industries of the province continued to grow in a comprehensive manner, and the accumulative industrial output value reached 581.757 billion yuan, an increase of 37.65% year-on-year. Of which, three advantageous industries, i.e. energy and chemical industry, equipment manufacturing industry and non-ferrous metallurgy industry, had driven the industrial growth of the province by 31.5% percentage points.
With the further promotion of energy conservation and consumption reduction work of the country, growth speed of output value of six injuries with high energy consumption started to drop. In January to July, total industrial output value of six major industries with high energy consumption had reached 207.053 billion yuan, an increase of 42.1% year-on-year. The growth speed had dropped by 3.7 percentage points compared with the first six months of this year.