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Lingnan Tong transport cards valid across the PRD

Lingnan Tong transport cards valid across the PRD

Write: Horst [2011-05-20]

Limited edition of the Lingnan Tong card

New smart cards primarily destined to be used on public transportation networks were released today. For the first time, these cards shall be compatible in 5 cities in the PRD. The Lingnan Tong card is a rechargeable contactless smart card used in an electronic payment system and valid in Guangzhou, Foshan, Zhaoqing, Jiangmen and Shanwei. This new card shall gradually replace the Yangcheng Tong card used in individual cities.

The Lingnan Tong card can also be used as an alternative to cash payments in convenience stores, supermarkets and car parks. Lingnan Tong card will be expanded to the whole Pearl River Delta (except Shenzhen) within the year. By 2013, both public transportation (including buses, subways, taxis, ferries and the inter-city high speed railway network) and public services can be paid by Lingnan Tong card. The government hopes that in the future the Lingnan Tong card will also be recognised in Hong Kong and Macau.

Starting today, residents in Guangzhou and Foshan can upgrade their Yangcheng Tong cards and Guang-Fo Tong cards into Lingnan Tong cards in all metro stations and existing discounts will be maintained. Lingnan Tong cards are now available in the five cities mentioned above. Finally, a limited edition of the Lingnan Tong card has been released to celebrate the 16th Asian Games.