It is learned from all major travel agencies of Guangzhou on 27th, that the "One-day Guangzhou Tour" is becoming popular because of the 14th Asian Games.
It is reported that all major travel agencies have launched their characteristic tourist routes of "New Guangzhou One-day Tour" to provide a sumptuous travelling meal to the citizens of Guangzhou and tourists from various regions and guide them to see Guangzhou, know Guangzhou and enjoy Guangzhou in a brand new angle of view.
As the designated travel agency of New Guangzhou Travel, GZL Travel Service has launcheda series of tourist routes of "Asian Games in Guangzhou", themed with "New GuangzhouAxis", "Asian Games Venues Tour" and "Pearl River Gallery", and launched exclusive routes of "One-day Tours for Guangzhou Gourmet" and "Events Watching Group". With the watching of badminton, basketball, ping pong, gymnastics, diving and other popular events, The "Events Watching Group" was welcomed by citizens and tourists alike, and catered for almost 2000 people per day.