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1st batch of RMB 10 million yuan disaster relief funds donated by Evergrande

1st batch of RMB 10 million yuan disaster relief funds donated by Evergrande

Write: Lanette [2011-05-20]

Wenchuan Earthquake gripped the attention and worry of billions of people in China. At the news of the Earthquake, Xu Jiayin, Chairman of the Board of Directors, who was abroad then, made a phone call to Xia Haijun, president of the Group immediately and arranged for the donation of 10 million yuan through the Red Cross Society of China. Meanwhile, the Group encouraged thousands of employees at branches in 22 cities to donate at their wills, and the amount of the donation is still under calculation. At the same time, the Group encouraged all owners of Evergrande property to do their bits to help relieve the disasters and called for them to donate money for the quake-stricken areas in Sichuan.
The relevant person-in-charge of the Group expressed that the disaster relief is of every Chinese people's concern and Evergrande would keep a close eye on the latest developments of the disaster. Life is of vital importance whenever and wherever it is. To assist the Government in relieving the disaster and the alleviating the damages and losses inflicted by the earthquake to the people and property, Evergrande appealed to the society to reach out your helping hands to the people in earthquake-stricken areas to help them out of the difficulty and rebuild their home.

Site of donation by employees at Group HQ

Xia Haijun, Group President, deliver a speech at the donation ceremony

Xia Haijun, Group President, took the lead in donating 100 thousand yuan in person

At 17:30 pm on May 14th, as a real estate developer with strong senses of social responsibility, Evergrande held in its HQ the endowment drives in addition to donating 10 million yuan in the name of the company. Employees of all departments arrive and are active in making donations. As so many employees were enthusiastic about donation that the elevators are not enough to carry them to the donation point on 3rd floor, some employees even walked down to the point from over 20-odd floors.

Some employees out for business also came back to the company at the earliest possible time to donate money. Group leaders took the lead in making donations. Xia Junhai, Group President, in particular donated 100 thousand yuan in person. By 18:30 pm, the collection box was full of money donated. Currently, the specific amount donated at the HQ and branches are still under calculation.

Group leaders are making donations

Group employees are making donations

Site of donation by employees of the Group

By now, donation activities within the Group have been carried out in 22 branches in succession, and employees of Evergrande at all cities are enthusiastic about donation, which is still under way. It is informed that the donated money would be sent to the disaster-stricken area as soon as the calculation is completed.