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Grand Sailing of Evergrande Women's Volleyball Team, the Milky Way Warship

Grand Sailing of Evergrande Women's Volleyball Team, the Milky Way Warship

Write: Federico [2011-05-20]

Through 3 months of good preparation, the establishment of Lang Ping s Team with powerful line-up has completed. On November 28, Evergrande Women's Volleyball Team will play its first match in Baoding, Hebei. To prepare for the incoming professional tournament, the grand ceremony for the establishment of Evergrande Women's Volleyball Team and public co-training were held in Evergrande Hotel in Guangzhou on November 11.

Evergrande Women's Volleyball Team introduced a number of domestic and foreign volleyball elite players, including such expert players of the Golden Generation in China as Feng Kun, Yang Hao and Zhou Suhong, two foreign players and a number of leading players in active service from the domestic strong teams. The top team members already gather. On November 11, Evergrande Women's Volleyball Team led by Lang Ping drew the attention of both domestic and foreign media. More than 100 media and 200 reporters from China and foreign countries participated in the ceremony for the establishment of Evergrande Women's Volleyball Team and public co-training activity.

Star players, including Feng Kun, Yang Hao and Zhou Suhong, arrive at the scene

Scene of ceremony for establishment of Evergrande Women's Volleyball Team

Lang Ping with all team members of Evergrande Women's Volleyball Team officially show up

Lang Ping shows the team pennant of Evergrande Women's Volleyball Team

Team members are full of confidence in the incoming tournament

Lang Ping, chief coach of Evergrande Women's Volleyball Team, is answering reporters questions

First public co-training of Evergrande Women's Volleyball Team

Team members are in training

Evergrande Women's Volleyball Team begins the special-purpose tactical training

Lineup of Evergrande Women's Volleyball Team
Chief coach: Lang Ping
Coach: Li Yong (former assistant coach of national women's volleyball team)
Qi Lixia (former chief coach of national youth women's volleyball team)
Zhang Jianzhang (former assistant coach of national women's volleyball team)
Shen Dawei (national champion for 5 times)
Leading players: Feng Kun (setter from Beijing, former expert player), Zhou Suhong (wing spiker from Jiangsu, former expert player), Yang Hao (spiker from Liaoning, former expert player), Yin Yin (spiker from Zhejiang, former expert player), Hammett (former blocker of U.S.A team), Davies (leading libero in active service in U.S.A team), Yin Meng (blocker from Hebei, expert player in active service), Yang Jie (blocker from Tianjin), Wang Li (spiker from Tianjin).