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2010 Aisino Corporation New Year Gala A Success

2010 Aisino Corporation New Year Gala A Success

Write: Prapti [2011-05-20]
At 14:00 o clock on January 25, 2010, the 2010 Aisino Corporation New Year Gala was ceremoniously held in the multifunction hall of the Aisino Corporation Park. The Gala was primarily in the form of a cultural and artistic presentation, for Aisino Corporation employees to go together. 20 programs were presented by the headquarters and subsidiaries/branches of Aisino Corporation, bringing about an exciting sensational feast.
Liu Xiang, Deputy Head of the CPC and Mass Work Department of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp. (CASIC) was present at the Gala and watched the programs as a member of the judge panel. Liu Zhennan, Board Chairman and General Manager of Aisino Corporation, Wu Qing, Deputy Board Chairman and CPC Secretary of Aisino Corporation, and other members of the management of Aisino Corporation were also present at the Gala as judge members. Many managers and employees of the departments of the headquarters and subsidiaries/branches of Aisino Corporation participated in the Gala.
As the person responsible for organizing the Gala, Sun Yan, Chairman of the Trade Union of Aisino Corporation gave the opening speech on behalf of the management of the company. His speech was followed by the lively Wei Feng Drum dance. Their energetic performance immediately lit up the mood in the hall. A string of various programs were successively staged, giving rise to joyful tides of the audience.
Carrying the belief in confident service , the consummate playing of the folk music instruments, humorous imitation of Xiao Shen Yang and vivacious Gang Ge dance fully conveyed the enthusiasm of the North China people in their considerate service. The situation comedy Aisino Corporation Service Rolling presented by Liaoning Aisino Corporation created a big thrill among the audience.
In the scene of bent piles, winding paths and huts, men hunts and women waves, living in the valley of perches. Their laughs resound beside our ears. The river snakes away into the distance, and the ferry stays still. Breezes send the boat along its way. The green water is there, but where are they now? The sounds of paddles brought us back to thousands years ago. The Dream Back to Hemudu, presented by Ningbo Aisino Corporation took the audience close to the ancient time. Besides marveling at the skills of the dancers, the audience cannot help exclaiming the brilliance of the history and the wisdom of the ancestors.
Hui Girls presented by Ningxia Aisino Corporation was characterized by delightful songs, charming dances, flying skirts, and ringing of laughs, bringing about the unique customs of the fertile land. The dancing girls form Inner Mongolia delivered the greetings from the grassland with their Bowel Dance . Hainan Aisino Corporation presented the Women Solders of the Red Army , a dance manifesting the enthusiasm of revolutionists and the confidence of Aisino Corporation. The dance-accompanied song Zhuoma presented by the Gold Card won ceaseless applause with high spirit, reverberating voice, graceful and fluent dances, celebrating the Tibetan customs.
The audience was deeply impressed by Shanghai Aisino Corporation, Guizhou Aisino Corporation, Suzhou Aisino Corporation, Sichuan Golden Spike also presented dances of different schools, the playlet presented by Zhejiang Aisino Corporation, the fashion show of Chongqing Hangshui, the poem recitation of Hunan Aisino Corporation, the cross talk presented by Anhui Aisino Corporation, the cheer leading of Shenzhen Branch, the music band performance of Dalian Golden Spike, and broke into rapturous applause.
The gala lasted for three hours and a half. I in the resounding cheers and applause of the audience, the judge panel carefully and equally rated the programs presented by the 16 subsidiaries/branches, and selected two winners of the first prize, four winners of the second prize and ten winners of the third prizes among them. The judges also gave their good wishes to the audience and the Aisino Corporation.
Liaoning Aisino Corporation and Ningbo Aisino Corporation won the first prizes; Ningxia Aisino Corporation, Inner Mongolia Aisino Corporation, Hainan Aisino Corporation, Golden Card won the second prizes; Shanghai Aisino Corporation, Guizhou Aisino Corporation, Hunan Aisino Corporation, Anhui Aisino Corporation, Chongqing Aisino Corporation, Sichuan Golden Spike, Zhejiang Aisino Corporation, Dalian Golden Spike, Suzhou Aisino Corporation and Shenzhen Branch won the third prizes. Leaders of Aisino Corporation presented the prize certificates to the winners and posed for photo taking with the performances and organization personnel.
The Marketing Center, Electronic Product Department, and the Counterfeit Tax Control Division and other departments also presented programs adding to joy and laughs of the event.
The Aisino Corporation 2010 New Year Gala successfully climaxed and ended in a happy and festive atmosphere. Every one wished that the future of Aisino Corporation would be better and the family of Aisino Corporation would be more harmonious, and anticipated the Gala of the next year.