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2010 Operation Plan Meeting of Aisino Corporation Successfully Held

2010 Operation Plan Meeting of Aisino Corporation Successfully Held

Write: Purvis [2011-05-20]
On April 17-18, 2010, the Operation Plan Meeting of Aisino Corporation was solemnly held in Nanjing, which used to be the capital of six ancient dynasties. Attending the meeting were the members of the operating body and intermediate cadres of Aisino Corporation and general managers and vice general managers of its branches and subsidiaries.
The meeting was presided over by Vice General Manager Chen Jiangjing. Liao Xiaoqiang, Head of Enterprise Development Division made a comprehensive analysis and report around the economic operation in Quarter 1. On behalf of the operating body, Vice General Manager Gong Baoguo made the mobilization report titled as Seizing Opportunities and Actively Advance to Accomplish All the Operation Tasks for the Year 2010, in which he made overall deployment and arrangement of the operation plan and goals for 2010 and put forward five specific requirements. Chief Financial Officer Pan Qiujia announced the operation target responsibilities of the headquarters and branches and subsidiaries of Aisino Corporation in 2010. In light of his investigation at the service units, Wu Qing, Vice Board Chairman and Party Secretary of Aisino Corporation, made the deployment and mobilization on how to deeply carry on learning, strengthen the construction of grassroots Party organizations and conscientiously carry out the work of anti-corruption and the construction of Party conduct and clean administration under the new situation.
In the end, Board Chairman and General Manage Liu Zhennan delivered an important speech. Around the four words caution, honesty, harmony and truth and by quoting the classics, he profoundly analyzed the qualities that managers should possess and encouraged everyone present to be cautious in their words, deeds and when being alone, to be reasonable and clear-sighted, to pursue harmony and seek truth from facts but not indulge in empty talk, to work in a down-to-earth way and strive to achieve substantial results.
On the afternoon of April 17, at the meeting on business topics, exchanges were made with the attendees on extended tax-control products, training industry, finance and taxation management software, information-based tax control, Golden Shield business, construction of information platform and settlement and payment of enterprise income tax. Finally, the Management Undertaking Division of the service units introduced the 2010 channel assessment plan and further emphasized the task targets for all units.
On the morning of April 18, the leaders in charge of relevant business principals conducted special training of the general managers of branches and subsidiaries in Aisino Corporation s principal operation and value-added taxation business, and an examination was arranged before the meeting was over. The delegates from the units of headquarters and those from service units both participated in the training examination. The questions in the examination deal with the basic knowledge of core businesses and the assumption and suggestions on the operation and development of Aisino Corporation. This aims to reinforce the training results and also provide new channels for the corporation to deeply understand the ideas and thinking of the mangers of all units.
The operation plan meeting serves as a connecting link between the preceding and the following. Based on the economic operation in Quarter 1, it analyzes and sums up how the spirit of the annual work meeting has been materialized and deploys the work for the year 2010, thus playing an active role in guaranteeing the smooth progress of all the operations of Aisino Corporation.