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Xin Luo Shan Ji Called Hong Kong and Party Held

Xin Luo Shan Ji Called Hong Kong and Party Held

Write: Ewa [2011-05-20]
The ever world largest container ship- Xin Luo Shan Ji has called Hong Kong on July 3, 2006, while China Shipping Container Lines (Hong Kong) Company held a party on the piloting tower.
Mr. Wu Zhongxiao, President of China Shipping Container Lines (Hong Kong) Company, Mr. Zhao Xiaoming, CFO of China Shipping Company and Vice President Li Xiaobing, other officers of China Shipping Container Lines (Hong Kong) Company, 100 crew and 50 representatives of terminal administration, consigners, bank, layers etc. Vice President Li Xiaobing, Captain Glyn Harvey and Mr. Ye Chengzhi, executive director of Hutchison-Whampoa Port Limited made addresses on the Party. While President Wu Zhongxiao and Mr. Ye Chengzhi presented silver plate to the captain and cut the ceremony cake and thus the Party came to its climax.
On 17:00 PM, Mr. Lv Xinhua, Commissioner of Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Hong Kong Special Administration Region and other 4 officials, and 10 representatives from the Economic Affairs Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People s Government in HKSAR, including two Vice Director - Mr. Gan Yong, Mr. Sun Wenxiu and Mr. Yan Yi, Senior Assistant to the Director, 7 representatives led by Mr. Wang Liaoping, Vice Chairman of the Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association and 10 representatives led by Mr. Li Yinquan, Vice President and CFO of China Merchants Group attended the Party. They were surprised to witness the robustness of China Shipping Container Lines and presented their heartfelt wishes, moreover proud of the huge improvement of the shipping cause of our motherland-China.
The Party came to a ceremonious end at 17:30PM.