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China Shipping India Pvt.Ltd Opened Formally

China Shipping India Pvt.Ltd Opened Formally

Write: Capucius [2011-05-20]
Since CSCL successfully has opened AMA course and called the Indian port of NHAVA SHEVA in this March, the opening and operation of China Shipping India Pvt.Ltd have being raised on the table. After intensified preparations in the past 4 months, China Shipping India Pvt.Ltd was ready to open formally.
On July 28, China Shipping India Pvt.Ltd held its grand opening ceremony and the reception party at TAJ PRESIDENT Hotel, in Bombay, India. Over 250 people attend the ceremony, including representatives from General Counsel of the People s Republic of China in Bombay, NIIAVA SHEVA Port Authority, the wharf of GTI, media, local clients and some Chinese organizations.
Mr. Chen Zhiqing, Managing Director of China Shipping India Pvt.Ltd, welcomed all guests at first, and introduced the splendid experience of China Shipping Group and CSCL in the past 9 years. He said, with the rapid development of Indian economy and foreign trade, China Shipping has had large container vessels (4250 TEU and 5600 TEU) calling India, which suggests that China Shipping are full of expectations and confidence in the Indian market, and that China Shipping are providing convenient and rapid marine transportation services for both Chinese and Indian enterprises and clients. Today, China Shipping India Pvt.Ltd is formally put into operation, which will help the China Shipping achieve much more progress and development in exploring the Indian market, and will bring close communication and links between cargo owners and client. Mr. Song Deheng, Consul General of the People s Republic of China in Bombay delivered a warm speech. Mr. Song sang high praise of the rapid development and remarkable achievements achieved by China Shipping in recent years. He praised the re-opening of AMA course, and also congratulated the formal operation of China Shipping India Pvt.Ltd. He placed great hope in China Shipping. In his speech, Mr. Song said that China Shipping is set to witness plain sailing and grand prospect. Mr. Kapur, Vice President of Saraf Group (the parent company of the foreign partner of China Shipping) and Mr. Kong Bin, President of China Shipping (West Asia) Holding Co., Ltd also paid a special trip from Dubai to attend the opening ceremony and to express warm-hearted congratulations on the opening of China Shipping India Pvt.Ltd.