According to Statistics Estonia, in March 2008 compared to March of the previous year the retail sales of goods of retail trade enterprises decreased 4% in constant prices. The growth of retail sales showed a slight increase in February but turned to downfall in March.
In March, the retail sales of goods of retail trade enterprises were 4.5 billion kroons. In grocery stores the retail sales of goods stayed at the same level compared with the March of the previous year. The retail sales in stores selling manufactured goods decreased by 8% compared with the same period of the previous year.
Compared to March of the previous year, the retail sales decreased in most economic activities except mail order sale and retail sales of pharmaceutical goods and cosmetics. The retail sales of stores selling textiles, clothing and footwear and also of stores selling household goods and appliances, hardware and building materials decreased most.
Compared with the previous month, the retail sales in retail trade enterprises decreased 4% in constant prices according to seasonally adjusted data.
In March the revenues from sales of retail trade enterprises were 5.3 billion kroons, out of which retail sales of goods accounted for 85%. Compared to March 2007, the revenues from sales increased 3% in current prices. Compared to the previous month, this indicator increased 7%.