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TRL takes up measures to reduce carbon foot print

TRL takes up measures to reduce carbon foot print

Write: Beyers [2011-05-20]
July 21, 2010 - Tata Refractories Limited has taken up a new initiative to reduce its carbon footprint by setting up Video Conferencing facility among its different out locations offices in India. Dr. A.K. Chattopadhyay, MD inaugurated the extension of the Video Conferencing network to its marketing offices at Bengaluru, Mumbai and Delhi on July 20, 2010 in the presence of senior executives of the Company.
In its quest for reducing its carbon foot print, Tata Refractories Limited has taken up various IT and Communication technology solutions. Video Conferencing network lowers an organization's carbon footprint by reducing the need for travel and travel related CO2 emissions to attend meetings and conferences. It also saves executive time in traveling and enables dispersed work groups in today's global enterprises to meet and collaborate "virtually".
TRL has earlier set up its video conferencing network among its main works at Belpahar in Keonjhar district, Marketing Office at Jamshedpur and Head Office at Kolkata in January'2010.