Baosteel launches efficiency power plant and efficient furnace special plans
Samma [2011-05-20]
Oct. 15, 2010 - The energy saving emission reduction targets of the 11th five year plan are to be fulfilled soon and the new round of development plan is advancing with an intensive tone.
Recently, Baosteel Co Ltd innovate the progression mode of energy saving emission reduction project officially launching two special plans efficiency power plant and efficient furnace, so as to advance the energy saving emission reduction project. After full implementation of these two plans, the annual savings of standard coal will reach nearly 80,000 tonnes equivalent to nearly 250 million kWh of power.
Efficiency power plant is a virtual power plant. Through a package of electricity-saving projects, the electrical power consumption is reduced and a full scale electricity saving capacity is formed. Thus, an effect similar to the expanding of power supply system is achieved. According to efficiency power plant special plan, the project to be implemented includes lighting reconstruction of factory roads, office buildings and factory buildings reactive power compensation and power quality management of substations and electrical rooms, frequency transformation of fans and pumps in each production unit, reform of air conditioning system of hot rolled, cold rolled and silicon steel production, optimization and energy saving reform of AC EAF operation etc.
After the implementation of the whole project, it is expected that annual savings of electric power will reach about 75,350,000 Kwh, equivalent to saving 23,500 tons of standard coal. Energy efficiency power has significant advantages such as a short implementation cycle, zero emission, zero pollution effectiveness among other things. It is effective means to tap the potential of energy saving and to propel the implementation of energy saving project in an orderly way.
Efficient furnace special plan aims at targeted transformation of various active furnaces in order to improve energy efficiency and to further explore the potential of furnace energy saving. The main contents include using efficient combustion device and combustion control technology, optimizing furnace structure, strengthening furnace waste heat recovery and using new refractory materials, etc. The implementation of these new technologies and new materials will greatly enhance the effects of industrial furnaces burning, reduce the furnace heat loss and reduce gas exhaust temperature. All projects implemented, 49,000 tonnes of standard coal will be saved annually.
The implementation of two energy saving special plans energy efficiency power plant and efficient furnaces signify Baosteel courageous essay in breaking the existent progression mode of existing energy saving project, innovating management concepts and processes and accelerating the achievement of energy-saving emission reduction targets. Through unified planning and special advance, the rapid implementation of energy saving projects is promoted and efficiency improved.
The uniform implementation of similar projects not only lowers procurement costs, reduces project investment but also facilitates the demonstration of different technology programs in the same platform so as to choose the optimal solution. For instance, in the lighting reconstruction project of non-trunk roads and district roads inside the factories after overall planning and targeted program formulation, about 6000 lights are reconstructed in a unified way which greatly improves implementation efficiency.