Dec. 7, 2010 - Sapa Industrial Extrusions has purchased a 86,000 Lb. capacity reverb tilting holding furnace for on-site field erection/installation at their Cressona, PA plant.
Reverb furnaces, are direct-fired, open hearth furnaces used for melting or holding nonferrous metal. Applications for the reverb furnace include melting sows, solids and scrap, along with alloying the molten metal before casting into usable forms.
Tilting Reverb furnaces provide the casting station operator maximum control over the delivery of molten metal to the casting machine. The rate of molten metal flow can be immediately increased or decreased by a convenient pushbutton control, or automatically by a launder metal level sensor.
The control of the pour is positive at all times. One of the most interesting features of this design is the unique method of tapping the furnace. This type of pour spout is equipped with a gasketed rotary joint. The refractory material is of a high alumina content, high-strength, low moisture, non-wetting material. The mating flanges are drawn together with a special locking collar. Since the rotary pour spout replaces the tap block, no other stopping or controlling devices are required, thus reducing maintenance to a very minimum.