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Whistleblowers in Calderys Refractories

Whistleblowers in Calderys Refractories

Write: Yates [2011-05-20]

Mar. 18, 2011
Sutracalder members
Jose Guerra, secretary general of the Sole Union of Venezolano Refractories Calderys (Sutracalder), denounced the agreements reached between the Corporation Venezolana de Guayana (CVG) and Siderurgica del Orinoco "Alfredo Maneiro (Sidor), where Brazil won Magnesite an agreement with the iron company 50% of all the refractory "and the agreement leaves us out as an industry," he replied.
Argued that the company will freeze Refractories Calderys not have raw materials to produce, so the CVG reminded that when Sidor was in its worst financial times "the only response they gave to get out in front and we did not stop us Calderys workers. And in that agreement is no interest in seeing that through, because there are people who were involved there, not taking into account the situation of workers, "he intervened.
Actions to Take
Participated on Monday to attend to the Ministry of People's Power for Basic Industries and Mining (Mibam), the Ministry of Labour and the Labour Inspectorate, to extend the irregularities that exist regarding the operation of the factory.
He also mentioned that there is a rumor that the mass of workers in the industry will be liquidated and will be payroll CVG, "workers do not agree with those decisions that are being discussed in working groups," he predicted.
Union elections
The secretary general of Sutracalder she appeared before the Labour Ministry to request the necessary requirements in order to be carried out so elections to elect the new leadership of the union at the factory.