Less export in 2010
During the period January to November 2010 inclusive 35.6 million kgs of Dutch aubergines were exported, 5% less than in the same period of 2009. In the first half of the season more was exported than last year, but in the second half of the season the production decreased somewhat and so did the export. The most important countries imported less Dutch aubergines than in 2010. The most important exceptions to this trend were the United states (+6%) and Switzerland.
The new season 2010/11 started with a larger export from Spain. In the period from September to November 2010 11% more aubergines were exported from the most important cultivation area Almeria than in 2009. Roundabout the 20th of January the weather deteriorated in Almeria, which during the following days caused a sharp decrease in supply and a big increase in price.