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South African Delegation SANTRUST Visited SCAU

South African Delegation SANTRUST Visited SCAU

Write: Jarvinia [2011-05-20]

On the morning of October 14th, the delegation from SANTRUST, South Africa paid a visit to SCAU, and the guests were warmly welcomed by President Chen Xiaoyang and Vice-President Liao Ming.

South African Delegation SANTRUST Visited SCAU

President Chen Xiaoyang delivering a speech

South African Delegation SANTRUST Visited SCAU

Vice President Liao Ming extending his warm welcome

Chen gave a brief introduction of SCAU. Meanwhile, he also stressed our achievements in International Exchange and Cooperation of recent years. More than 500 African students got their degrees in SCAU, and 4 South African technical officials participated in Training Course on Crop Disease and Pest Ecological Control for Developing Countries, which was hosted by Ministry of Commerce of People s Republic of China and undertaken by SCAU.

The soybeans cultivated by SCAU had been promoted in Tanzania and had gained considerable social and economical benefits. In addition, Chen stated that about 20 African students learning Chinese Language had been well-educated in College of International Education in these 3 years. Finally, President Chen expressed our sincerity on welcoming the guests, and also expressed the hope for further development in the communications and cooperation between SCAU and universities in South Africa.

South African Delegation SANTRUST Visited SCAU

Dr.Anshu Padayachee introducing SANTRUST

South African Delegation SANTRUST Visited SCAU

Member of the delegation sharing the information

South African Delegation SANTRUST Visited SCAU

Group photo

Dr. Anshu Padayachee, head of the delegation thanked SCAU for the warm reception. After giving a brief introduction of SANTRUST,she sincerely hoped that SCAU could give a hand to universities in South Africa on Agricultural Science and Bio-energy. She also invited experts of SCAU to attend seminars to be held in February in South Africa, to offer some suggestions in agricultural policy, rural development and to write curriculum outlines for courses on training students. Besides, members of the delegation, principals of universities in South Africa shared the basic information about their universities and colleges as well.

South African Delegation SANTRUST Visited SCAU

The delegation visiting College of Natural Resources and Environment

South African Delegation SANTRUST Visited SCAU

The delegation visiting Museum of SCAU

After the meeting, the delegation visited the Root Biological Center and the Museum of SCAU, they said that what impressed them most was the century-long history, characteristic agricultural fields and beautiful campus environment.

SANTRUST was a registered educational group in South Africa. It has played an active role in higher educational.In recent years, its research activities and programs have already exerted a great influence on reforms in transferring productions, improvements in leadership levels and implementing ability.

Source of News: Office of International RelationsEdited by: Xiao Yuhan / Chen Zi