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TU Signed Cooperation Agreement with Universit Libre de Bruxelles

TU Signed Cooperation Agreement with Universit Libre de Bruxelles

Write: Hadi [2011-05-20]
TU Signed Cooperation Agreement with Universit   Libre de Bruxelles

A cooperation agreement was signed between Tianjin University (hereafter as TU) and Universit Libre de Bruxelles (hereafter as ULB). The purpose of the agreement was to promote friendly relations through the development of educational and research collaboration between the two universities. Under the framework of this agreement, School of Pharmaceutical Engineering at TU and Pharmaceutical Institute at ULB signed an Appendix on Joint Ph.

D Training Program during the visit of Prof. Jean-Michel Kauffmann, Head of Pharmaceutical Institute at ULB on October 22. According to this appendix, the two institutions will start joint Ph.D program in the area of pharmaceutical chemistry & analysis and industrial analysis & medicine. During the visit, Vice President Denghua ZHONG met Prof.

Jean-Michel Kauffmann. He pointed out that Tianjin University attached much importance to its international development and it was expected that TU and ULB could further understanding and develop more mutually beneficial programs that may involve faculty and students on both sides. Universit Libre de Bruxelles was founded in 1834 and is a comprehensive university in Belgium.

It is strong in medicine, particularly biology and chemistry. According to the world universities ranking by TIMES 2006, the university ranks 165 in the world.