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Britons shun UK due to VAT

Britons shun UK due to VAT

Write: Atmaja [2011-05-20]

Britons shun UK due to VAT

Posted: Fri 26 Nov, 2010 1:02 PM

Britons shun UK due to VAT

January s VAT rise could significantly impact UK-inbound tourism according to a new TripAdvisor poll. The tax, which will rise from 17.5-to-20% on January 04, 2011, and will affect not only shopping costs but also accommodation, tourist attractions and even car hire prices, will make travelling to Britain too expensive , according to nearly a quarter (24%) of European respondents.
The TripAdvisor research, which polled over 3,200 people across Europe between the period October26-November03, revealed that a quarter believe the VAT increase will make British holidays unaffordable, while a further quarter (26%) are still undecided as to whether the tax hike will deter them from holidaying in Britain next year. A large number of Brits may also snub the UK; 24% of Britons claim the VAT rise could make domestic holidays in 2011 too expensive.

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