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We are in our element in Singapore

We are in our element in Singapore

Write: Iluka [2011-05-20]
"That were fulfilled and quite days." Xian Ming, the director and G.M. of Sinochem International Singapore Co. said this when he talked about the eight months of the last year he spent in Singapore, which he still seemed to be a little bit enchanted with. During that period of time, every morning, listening to the music in ipod, he took the subway to work with a public transport card of 50 SGD in his pocket. After a whole busy day, he went back to the rented house, where he quietly red books about management and conceived his 100000-character MBA thesis.

Of course, Xian Ming was not staying in Singapore to enjoy life, but to establish an overseas direction center (DC) of Sinochem International, governing various overseas subsidiaries in places from Dubai, to Korea and to Moscow. Though shouldering heavy responsibilities, he still felt very easy-going often times. Just for a half year since the company's opening, it has recorded a revenue of hundreds of millions of US dollars, and a profit of tens of millions of US dollars, which might be a miniature of the development of Chinese enterprises in Singapore.
Capital introducing is by no means a once-and-for-all act

It is reasonable for Singapore Bureau of Economic Development, which is responsible for business and capital introducing, to pay close attention to Sinochem International, since it is the listed company of Sinochem, one of the major four oil companies in China, having got in the list of Fortune Top 500 for 11 years in row. In order to encourage Sinochem International to establish the regional headquarter in Singapore, the Bureau of Economic Development has offered many favorable causes to it, and has cut the tax of income by a large margin.

"what really counts is that they didn't consider this as a once-and-for-all business, but had provided a following-up service along the whole course." Xian Ming sighed with emotion. The Bureau of Economic Development has not only sent key men to participate the inauguration ceremony of Sinochem International Singapore Co., but has also paid frequent visits to the company, asking what they could help and has helped a lot in solving many tiny issues.

In addition to that, sometimes, the Bureau often plays a role as a link to introduce some projects to the company. For example, it has just introduced one, which is a local project of fine chemicals R&D. From Xian's point of view, the Bureau does not just treat one country or one company like this but treat everybody who makes investment in Singapore equally without discrimination.
To establish overseas DC

Xian revealed that, the choice of the place to establish overseas DC at that time was a result of many market investigations. In comparison, the advantage of Singapore has been particularly conspicuous. As we can see, the country enjoys a transparent government administering; the Asian culture and the domination of Chinese people there makes it more easier communication; what' more important, Singapore is one of the international centers of finance, shipping and trade. No doubt, to Sinochem International, the most attractive point of Singapore is that it is one of the three petrochemical centers in the world. All those above have contributed to this final choice.

Now, as a important overseas DC of Sinochem International, Singapore enjoys the right of capital allocation and will attract relative information of overseas investment opportunities. During the starting phase of the company, Xian spent more than 8 months in Singapore, and might had dealt with everything even tiny ones such as making bills of documents. Now, though the company begins to fall into place, he still need to return to Singapore for several days a month, to meet important client and participate various activities.

Sinochem International Singapore now still takes trade as its major business. Xian said he had no intention to guide the company to develop in an supper-routine manner, but to build a strong foundation step by step. However, that doesn't influence to the company's desire to play the geographical advantage of Singapore into full and purchase more natural raw materials like rubber.
The enlightenment of the CAOSC event

The lesson of CAOSC (China Aviation Oil Shareholding Co.), another subsidiary of a State-owned enterprise in Singapore, is really painful. The director of the company was even the head of the Associate of Chinese enterprises in Singapore. After the event took place, Xian was always asked by his friends what he thought, which brought him much pressure and promoted Sinochem International to start examination from top to bottom at once, over its inner controlling system.

Xian stressed that the problem of CAOSC doesn't equal the situation of State-owned enterprise. In his opinion, the malfunctioning of the inner controlling and supervision of that company was just a case. Because, Many excellent Chinese enterprises including Sinochem International Singapore have adopted a mature matrix style of management, which has effectively stroke balances among rights.

However, to Xian's gratification, their Singapore clients took the thing very well and never deny Chinese enterprises just out of the CAOSC event. Afterwards, the company's businesses still enjoy the support from partners, which boosts it to full flourish.

Moreover, the CAOSC event has also made Xian more faithful in a ideology, which is to consider the company as the local one, try to get involved with local environment through eager learning of local laws, and never regard itself as an exception.
We can learn a lot from Singapore

"It is necessary for a great nation to modestly learn the fine culture of other nations, likewise, China can learn a lot from Singapore." Obviously, the life in Singapore has also benefited Xian a lot in the culture aspect.

An important demonstration of the comprehensive strength of Singapore is its soft environment such as social security. Xian described to the journalist, in Singapore, it won't be dangerous for children walk with their bags open and for girls to walk lonely at night. When the weekend is coming, the whole city changed completely. Because, people there are very heartsease and they know how to separate the work and the relaxation.

What's most impressive to Xian is Singapore's considerate protection of IPR. That's why multinationals always prefer to choose Singapore as the first place to put their products to the public. Thereby, people in Singapore can not only enjoy the fun of having new products at first, but also can learn new things faster.

"When those staff working in Sinochem International Singapore, return to Shanghai with the experiences they accumulated there, they are back with a pack of invaluable fortune." Xian said this with high-spirited and vigorous air.
From:Morning News 2005-08-08