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Sinochem International Took Action to Support Earthquake Relief Rescue Operations

Sinochem International Took Action to Support Earthquake Relief Rescue Operations

Write: Ashwin [2011-05-20]
The May 12 Sichuan Wenchuan Earthquake has shaken the heart of every employee of Sinochem International.

Zhang Zengeng, General Manager of Sinochem International who was on a study tour in remote Africa, made a special call to the Company to request advance payment of donation for him, and called for executives and employees at key posts took the initiative to mobilize all the employees to donate for people in disaster stricken area.

He also wrote a letter to all company employees to demand all staff members to devote themselves to the manufacture and operation of the Company with heightened enthusiasm and actual deeds, in order to score a great success for earthquake relief and rescue operation with real actions.

In the evening of May 12, employees of Sinochem International Guangdong Branch immediately organized voluntary donation when learning of the earthquake news through the media.
In the morning of May 13, under the guidance of the Party branch secretary, all party members of the Second Branch of Sinochem International Party Committee donated eagerly.
In the afternoon of May 13, after Sinochem International launched donation initiative to all employees in response to request from the Group company, a torrential flood of donation stressing "Each offers a helping hand, everyone shows loving care" started to flow in Sinochem. Employees also donated at donation counters of local neighborhood community, shopping mall, and metro stations.
"Although I cannot fight the disaster with Chinese at earthquake disaster area, my heart goes out to them." Leila Gaspar, expatriate employee of Sinochem International Chemical Industry Division in Manila, not only donated for the disaster area at the earliest possible time, but also expressed the heart-felt wishes of all Philippine expatriate employees.
Active donation of money and articles not in the least diminished employees concern for the disaster area. Five employees including Zhaojiang from Logistics Business Division and Liu Ting from Chemical Business Division voluntarily got into contact with Shanghai Charity Fund to request permission for offering relief assistance at disaster area during company holiday period; Zhang Zhisheng from Finance Headquarter Division actively contacted Shanghai Red Cross Association to offer free blood donation
According to incomplete statistics, by noon May 16, voluntary donation from employees of Sinochem International reached 270,000 Yuan.