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Total Import of Base Oil Ranked the Second

Total Import of Base Oil Ranked the Second

Write: Alvah [2011-05-20]
According to the ranking of base oil import enterprises from Jan. to June recently released by China Customs, Sinochem Int l is ranked the second with the gross import of 47,000 tons.

In a period of less than three years, the base oil import of Sinochem Int l increased from 4000 tons in 2008 to 47000 tons in the first half of this year, realizing a lap-forward development with the company growing up to a leading company within the industry from an unknown figure. With its strong ability in logistics integration, distribution network all over China and diligent sales team, the company has made its way out of fierce competition from CNPC, Sinopec and foreign oil refineries and rapidly occupied the major consumer markets in China.

It is now ranked the first in South China, the second in East China and also a primary actor in other key regions of China.