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Mengniu service, unswerving consistent

Mengniu service, unswerving consistent

Write: Henrietta [2011-05-20]

Usually, consumer judges an enterprise not only by after sales service and kindness of hotline operator, but also by whether the enterprise puts demand of consumer to the top target. Mengniu has been setting a good goal of that, which is to be a dedicated dairy manufacturing and service enterprise that commits to the health of mankind. We can help being confident for such an enterprise because a pack of milk has such heavy responsibility and care towards consumers. Of course, Mengniu says so, and even does so. Mengniu has never stopped serving for consumers and the society.

Product development is the soul of Mengniu s service

Based on quality, product development and innovation is both sustainable power for a company and best demonstration of service for consumers. Mengniu s innovation progresses with each passing day. From the Milk Deluxe, Future Star milk and Guanyiru yogurt to Zhenguoli milk beverage, Mengniu never stops steps to innovation. It is also proved Mengniu s service concept from another angle. Along with the arrival of age that consumers participates more to marketing and sales activity, Mengniu starts from consumers needs and prospectively brings interactive and experiential consumption which gains favor and trust from general public.

Looking at Mengniu s service and innovation carefully, we find that no matter sentences on big billboard or on Internet, Mengniu is always providing close and intimate service for consumers.

As the first ever consultancy platform in dairy industry, Mengniu shopping center produces tailor made healthy and nutritional dairy products for consumers. What s more praiseworthy is that Mengniu particularly registers enterprise blog to publish milk knowledge and correct milk drinking concept. So it is not surprise for Mengniu to win double awards of Most Favorite Food Brand and Capital Consumers Most Favorite Milk Brand . The Most Valuable Brand List released by the City University of New York shows that Mengniu sustains the brand value champion in dairy industry by RMB 9.556 billion. From qualified product, best service and social benefit, Mengniu vividly compels the dairy evolutionism in modern society.

Contributing to society is Mengniu s principle of service

Service, this letter is easy to write but hard to practice. Mengniu implements big care by actual efforts to interpret what is boundless love . Mengniu proactively participates various kinds of public welfare undertakings to serve social harmony, and put commonwealth affairs into company s brand management system to push forward national people s milk drinking so that every Chinese has healthy body and psychology. While some companies are perplexing in brand building, Mengniu has already realized another round of upgrading of brand promotion and service quality.

Guided by when disaster struck, help came from all sides principle, Mengniu silently takes actual move to implement social responsibility and care, from Love present for poverty stricken areas to Eco-move support China activity. It is not difficult for a company to deliver love for society for one time, but it s very hard to deliver for over ten years. Mengniu s love heart grows with the growth of its own, from the date of founding, Mengniu has been active in the tidal wave of loving heart volunteer.

Milk supply construction is the key to Mengniu s service

Good milk comes from good cows. Good milk source is the most competitive strength for a dairy enterprise and also the fundamental guarantee. Encountering enlarging demand of market, Mengniu has been exploring nationwide layout of modern dairy farm construction. In the first half year of 2010, Mengniu invested RMB 400 million to build ten-thousand-herds farms in Tongliao and Yinchuan, as well as organic liquid milk plant in Yinchuan. At present, Mengniu has built fourteen joint invested ten-thousand-herds modern farms nationwide to lay a solider foundation for next round of quality promotion.

While building modern farms on one hand, Mengniu also focuses on system building of ecologicalization of farms to the top priority. Under new slogan of good quality, green life , Mengniu builds safe ecological farms to make promise for all consumers health and product quality.

Calculating all these service of Mengniu, we firmly believe that it is right for Mengniu to shoulder the flag of Chinese dairy industry, and this is also consumers highest trust and support for Mengniu to grow bigger and stronger. We hope Mengniu goes on to reinforce Mengniu service from the beginning to the end. From: sohu.com