Main building of Nanjing Xinjiekou Department Store of 249 meters tall was named the highest building in Xinjiekou . But a new record of Nanjing s height is set soon. 381-meter tall main building of the Purple Peak Mansion has its roof sealed, plus 69-meter lamp tower, becomes the peak of Nanjing at the height of 450m. This is the highest building in Jiangsu and the 7th highest in the world.
This height is indubitably No.1 in Jiangsu. Its worldwide ranking is high the 5th at the moment and later the 7th. Among completed and roof-sealing finished buildings, Taibei 101 Building of 508 meters, Shanghai World Financial Center of 492 meters, Kuala Lumpur Twin Tower of 451.9 meters and Sears Tower in USA of over 450 meters are top 4 in the world. Burj Dubai Tower of over 800 meters and HK International Commerce Center of 490 meters are under construction. When these two buildings are completed, Purple Peak of Greenland Plaza will come down to No.7.
The building is completely in steel structure because such a height cannot be supported by normal concrete structure. Total investment is up to more than 4 billion RMB.
Deeper the foundation is, higher the building can be. Piling started in 2006 and underground work lasted to Mar-Apr of 2007. After one year and four months, upper ground work proceeds to roof-sealing. It is worth mentioning that construction under the ground also takes one year.
Currently, highest ranking of hotels are five stars. But this hotel can achieve six-star based on its facilities , a staff tells the journalist. The most luxurious places of the hotel are on the 80th and 81st floor, where there are two president suites, each covering one floor. Each floors covers an area of 400 square meters, with panoramic French windows at all directions. Height of each floor is 8 meters, almost equating 3 times the height of normal floors. (Longhoo Net)