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8 Burgeoning Industries All Went out of the Country

8 Burgeoning Industries All Went out of the Country

Write: Sally [2011-05-20]

According to Nanjing Commerce and Trade Bureau, export volume of Nanjing in 2009 ranked third in Jiangsu. All 8 burgeoning industries went into international markets.

In 2009, export value of Nanjing was 18.46 billion USD, ranked third in Jiangsu, only behind Suzhou and Wuxi. It is surpring that, though external demands were insufficient, 538 foreign trade companies were established last year. The number was higher than previous years.

Export business were only established in 4 indutries before 2008 but in 2009 all industries realized export. Rail traffic chain is basically formed in Nanjing by backbone enterprises such as Puzhen Automobile Plant of China South Locomotive & Rolling Stock Industry (Group) Corporation, Nanjing Highspeed & Accurate Gear Group Co., Ltd., No. 14 Institute, Guodian Nanjing Automation Co., Ltd., and Nanjing Kangni Mechanical and Electrical Co., Ltd. A breakthrough was achieved for complete vehicle export. Total order value in the hand of Nanjing enterprises is up to 1 billion USD. Annual export value for photoelectrical and wind power products reached 200 million USD. Fixed order for WIG crafts is over 100 million USD. Export for pharmaceutical and medical appliances provided by Nanjing Jianyou Biochemical Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Maydeal.com and Micro-tech (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. reached 240 million USD, with an increase of 47.3%. Ship manufacturing exported 1.64 billion USD, with an YOY increase of 46.8%.

In addition, foreign trade companies such as Sinoma Internationall Engineering Co., Ltd. (Nanjing), Huayang Oil & Gas Exploration and Development Corporation and Nanjing Triumph Cement Technology Engineering Co., Ltd. invested abroad and brought along export of 326 milion USD in the way of undertaking projects. There is an YOY increase of 67.6% and the export value accounts for 1.8% of the total. Export scale of Nanjing, brought by foreign trade, takes the first place in Jiangsu. (Nanjing Daily)