On 3rd, Nanjing Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision issued 2009 Nanjing Local Product Quality Report. The report shows that 3983 batch-time sample checks were conducted last year, and the average qualification ratio was 91.99%, with a YOY increase of 0.65%. Among all products, 22 kinds of foods such as local crackers, bee products, diary produce 100% pass the inspection.
In 2009, quality supervision departments of the state, province and municipality conducted quality supervision inspection to 15 industries, 43 species and 164 kinds of key product, ranging from textile industry, chemical industry, food industry to electromechanical industry. Totally 3983 batch-time of products were covered in Nanjing and the average qualification ratio was 91.99%, with a YOY increase of 0.65%.
Safety of local foods is the top priority in the inspection. There are 752 companies that have food production licenses. In 2009, quality supervision departments altogether conducted inspection to 695 companies (other companies had no sample products at the time of inspection), covering 43 kinds and 1564 batch-time of foods, whose average qualification rate was 92.14%.
22 kinds of foods such as local crackers, bee products, milk beverage, soy source, beer, dairy produce, dried vegetables, MSG, egg products, moon cakes and zongzi got a 100% qualification rate. Barreled drinking water had a lower ratio of 71%. (Nanjing Daily)