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Ji Jianye Met Board Members of Celanese

Ji Jianye Met Board Members of Celanese

Write: Naretha [2011-05-20]

Mayor Ji Jianye met the Board of Directors of Celanese Company (USA) and had a cordial conversation with chairman Weldman. Vice mayor Luo Qun also attended the meeting.

Ji congratulated the opening of board meeting of Celanese in Nanjing. He said, petrochemical is still the first pillar industry of Nanjing, with annual sales of more than 300 billion RMB. Celanese is a world famous chemical company, whose influence in the industry is huge and investment in Nanjing is successful.

Now, Nanjing is delivering transformation, upgrade and sustainable development of petrochemical industry so the prospect of petrochemical companies will be very good. Nanjing owns abundant scientific and educational resources. Its advantages as a comprehensive pivot owing to its river ports, airport and high-speed railway have become more and more distinctive.

The city will bring huge market space for petrochemical companies. We hope that Celanese will set up its new programs in Nanjing and Nanjing will provide support in terms of raw materials, public utility and policies.

Mr. Weldman said that, being here for 9 years, Nanjing had become his second hometown. The development blueprint of Nanjing inspired him and the board members greatly. When planning investment in China, board members unanimously agreed to consider Nanjing first. They hope to keep good cooperation with Nanjing. (Nanjing Daily)