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National Design Panel for Magnetic Confinement Fusion Reactors Established at USTC

National Design Panel for Magnetic Confinement Fusion Reactors Established at USTC

Write: Lucinda [2011-05-20]

A national design panel for magnetic confinement fusion reactors was established, n a move to provide the needed design blueprint for building China' s own fusion reactors, at the University of Science and Technology of China on Mar 17, announced by Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) .

National Design Panel for Magnetic Confinement Fusion Reactors Established at USTC

Vice-Minister of MOST CAO Jianlin Speaks

The panel consists of 19 members, Academician WAN Yuanxi, dean of the School of Nuclear Science and Technology of USTC, is the Director. CAO Jianlin, Chinese Vice-Minister of Science and Technology said MOST has, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and China National Nuclear Corporation, issued a guide on training nuclear fusion talents, in an attempt to advance the study of magnetic confinement fusion in the country, meet the needs of ITER, and learn from the experience derived from the previous ITER activities.

MOST proposes to bring out some 2,000 nuclear fusion scientists and experts in 10 years. In addition, efforts will be made to gather together nuclear fusion specialists from other talents programs, including "thousand talents program" and "Cheung Kong Scholars Program".

(News Center of USTC)