The 5th International Speciality High Performance Polymer Fibres Conference.
Polymer Fibres 2008:
- 9-11 July 2008, Weston Conference Centre, University of Manchester, UK
- Co-Sponsored by The Fiber Society & The Manchester Materials Science Centre.
The Polymer Fibres 2008 conference scientific programme will include keynote lectures, contributed papers and poster presentations emphasizing all key aspects of, and new developments in polymer fibre science technology and engineering.
- Scientific Advisory Committee
Conference Chairman:
- Professor R.J. Young (Manchester Materials Science Centre, UK)
- Dr R.R. Mather (Heriot-Watt University, UK)
- Professor A.H. Windle (University of Cambridge, UK)
- Mr Y. Ohta (TOYOBO, Japan) (Representing The Society for
- Fibre Science and Technology, Japan)
- Dr D. Salem (Charged Injection, USA)
- Professor J. Hearle (Formerly University of Manchester – now retired)
- Professor T. Kikutani (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
- Dr W. Knoff (Du Pont Company, USA)
- Professor M. Jaffe (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA)
- Professor I.M. Ward (University of Leeds, UK)
- Professor F.R. Jones (University of Sheffield, UK)
- Dr S.J. Eichhorn (University of Manchester, UK)
- Dr D. Bott (Oxford Biomaterials, UK)
- Dr C.M. Carr (University of Manchester, UK)
- Mr A. Schaap (Teijin-Aramid, The Netherlands)
A 60th Birthday Celebration for Professor Robert J. Young:
Polymer Fibres 2008 will mark the celebrations for the 60th birthday of the Conference Chairman Professor Robert J. Young.
There will be a special afternoon of talks from key scientists with links to his career on the afternoon of Tuesday 8th July 2007.
If you would like to participate in this birthday celebration event on the 8th July 2007 then please indicate this in the registration section.
Closing date for poster abstract submissions Friday 30th May 2008.