AU: Banana supply should diversify
Warrah [2011-05-20]
Scientists have developed an "insurance policy" that could protect Australia's future banana supplies. A genetically modified crop of banana plants could be the key to farmers beating a soil-borne fungus, which wiped out plantations in the Northern Territory and continues to threaten crops across the globe. Queensland University of Technology Centre for Tropical Crops and Biocommodities director James Dale said the levelling of banana plantations in north Queensland by cyclone Yasi earlier this month showed how important it was for Australia to have multiple banana supplies. "The idea of having diversified production areas is clearly important," he told AAP.
"By developing an alternate stream in the Northern Territory, that would give a direct insurance policy by allowing them to supply the other states when we have disasters in north Queensland like (cyclones) Larry and Yasi." According to the Australian Banana Growers' Council, about 75 per cent of the nation's banana supply has been affected by wild weather in Queensland. Professor Dale said the NT was an ideal place to grow bananas, despite there only being one commercial plantation left in the Top End. The industry reached its peak in the NT about 15 years ago, before it was destroyed by a disease known as Tropical Race Four, which survives in the soil for decades and can't be controlled with chemicals. "It is caused by a fungus in the soil called Fusarium and causes the leaves to wilt and rots the inside of the plant.
"Four acres of genetically modified bananas will be planted in diseased soil in the Northern Territory later this year," Professor Dale said, adding that earlier trials had been promising. He said that as part of the genetic modification, a gene capable of starving the fungus to death had been inserted into the plant. A team of more than a dozen scientists will gauge the plants' resistance to the fungus early next year.