India: Despite supply, veggie prices still high
Elsdon [2011-05-20]
Food prices might have come down in the wholesale market but Delhiites continue to shell out huge amounts for buying vegetables. Onion and tomato supplies have not made much difference in the retail sector with a massive difference still existing between retail and wholesale prices. "This year is not much different from the past year. Prices normally tend to rise a little over time and 2010 was especially bad due to heavy monsoon which ruined many crops. Many ground vegetables were damaged in the longer-than-usual monsoon, onion being the worst affected. Towards the end of 2010, prices touched record levels. However, that is no longer the case in the wholesale market. We have sufficient supply and prices, though slightly higher than last year, are now stable," said Brahm Yadav, chairman, Delhi Agricultural Marketing Board.