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The Urban Investment in Fixed Assets Up by 26.6 Percent in the First Two Months

The Urban Investment in Fixed Assets Up by 26.6 Percent in the First Two Months

Write: Kumud [2011-05-20]

The Urban Investment in Fixed Assets Up by 26.6 Percent in the First Two Months

The completed urban investment in fixed assets was 529.4 billion yuan, rose by 26.6 percent as compared with the same period of previous year. The investment in state-owned and state-holding company was 250 billion yuan, up by 16.4 percent; that of real estate development was 143.6 billion yuan, rose by 19.7 percent.

In terms of different project under subjection relation, the investment of central project was 54.5 billion yuan, up by 19.3 percent as compared with the same period of last year. The investment of regional project was 474.9 billion yuan, increased by 27.5 percent.

In terms of different industries, the investment in primary industry secondary industry and tertiary industry were 2.4, 219.5 and 307.5 billion yuan, rose by 34.5, 28.8 and 25.5 percent respectively, as compared with the same period of last year.

In terms of different sectors, the investment in coal exploitation, washing and selecting was 3.9 billion yuan, increased by 27.3 percent, the electric power, thermal energy production and supply industry was 54.2 billion yuan, rose by 14 percent, the petroleum and gas exploitation was 1.08 billion yuan, rose by 21.4 percent, the railroad transportation was 5 billion yuan, a rise of 244.8 percent, the non-metal smelting and relative mineral products was 8.6 billion yuan, rose by 46 percent, the ferrous metal smelting and pressing was 16.2 billion yuan, rose by 1.6 percent, the non-ferrous metal smelting and pressing was 4.2 billion yuan, increased by 23.6 percent.

In terms of different registration types, the investment in incorporated companies was 449.5 billion yuan, up by 27.3 percent as compared with the same period of previous year, the investment of enterprises invested by Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and foreign merchant was30.8 billion yuan and 47.6 billion yuan, rose by 6.7 percent and 32.2 percent respectively.

In view of the construction complexion, the total amount of construction projects was 48,589, which was 9,913 more than last year, wherein that the total planned investment in construction project was 976.5 billion yuan, rose by 39.8 percent, new starting projects were 11,723, increased 4140, total planned investment in new starting project was 634.8 billion yuan, up by 33.4 percent as compared with the same period of last year.

In view of positioned fund, the position fund of fixed urban investment was 939.8 billion yuan, rose by 29.7 percent as compared with the same period of last year, of which, national loans, utilization of foreign investment and self-prepare fund was up by 31.9 percent, 34.5 percent and 38.2 percent respectively.