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Independent recruitment exam held, 315 to get bonus points

Independent recruitment exam held, 315 to get bonus points

Write: Shigekazu [2011-05-20]
Independent recruitment exam held, 315 to get bonus points Independent recruitment exam held, 315 to get bonus points
Examinees walking out of the examination hall Parents wandering outside the examination hall

Feb. 26 saw the last joint examination of the three exams of university alliances in 2011. "Alliance of Excellence" which consists of 9 universities including SCUT and Tongji University held joint examination for independent recruitment. 35,000 out of more than 10,000 candidates got qualified to participate in the joint examination at 25 test centers nationwide.

2,100 out of 6,000 candidates got qualified to take the examination at SCUT, the test center for Guangdong Province. About 500 to 600 candidates will win the chance to participate in the following interview, 315 of which will get the qualification for bonus points in the upcoming college entrance examination.

The examination consisted of "reading and writing skills (Chinese)" & "reading and writing skills (English)" in the morning and math & physics in the afternoon. The audition will be held in March with a main aim to examine the candidates in aspects of language performance, abilities of problem-solving and data analysis, potential capacity in learning, comprehensive quality, and innovative thinking.
According to SCUT Admission Office, the Excellent Talents Cultivation Cooperation Framework Agreement between 9 universities advanced in science and engineering, is a long-term program for personnel training. Independent recruitment is just the first step of the program and there will be more cooperation in the future, such as undergraduate exchange and mutual recognition of postgraduate by recommendation.
Edited by CHANG Wei and HUANG Longlong
From SCUT News Network