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Mengniu s Change and Stability

Mengniu s Change and Stability

Write: Lukina [2011-05-20]

In the entity economy, building a world-class brand within ten years is almost impossible, but from ranking China s NO.1,116 to the world No. 19, Mengniu who has just reached the age of 10 years has created this miraculous history.
Internationally renowned strategic consulting firm McKinsey has said that, according to the optimistic estimate, China's most potential enterprise Mengniu Group would enter the World Dairy Top 20 in 2010. However, Mengniu Group achieved the goal one year ahead, which surprised the experienced and knowledgeable foreigner experts.
But Mengniu were apparently not satisfied, at the 2009 Asian Boao Forum, Mengniu president Yang Wenjun did not talk about the achievements, but calmly analyzed the real situation and future development trend of China's dairy industry. He thought that deeply exploring China s internal potential and being internationalized was a natural choice of keeping the continued growth of China's dairy industry. He carefully but firmly planned the new company goal: Make the leading position in China solid, and expand oversea markets gradually, to enter the world dairy top 10!"
This modest, pragmatic and courageous young entrepreneur, will vigorously ensure that Mengniu s every step will be firm and strong.
Mengniu has achieved remarkable changes, she also quietly sticks with her own "unchanges."
"The enterprise development and growth is inseparable from the innovative spirit of constant changes, creating a vigorous and enterprising company outlook and continued and strong competitive advantage. But the brand equity has upgraded in a high degree, precisely because we have been adhering to the enterprise culture and values. No matter how large the Mengniu will be, we will insist on four words: responsibility, innovation, leadership and care . Without any magnificent words, Yang Wenjun s interpretation of the success of Mengniu was simple and powerful.
Yang Wenjun is modest which relates with his calm and prudence. Although he took the helm on the stage with the spotlights shining, and the classic cases of marketing and brand communication, such as "Mengniu Suan Suan Ru Super Girls", "Milk Deluxe" and "China milk charity actions", etc brought him dazzling glory, his most common name is "Mr. Milk" -- he drinks a lot of milk everyday, he talks about the benefits of milk when he meets others, like a serious and persistent missionary, many well-known entrepreneurs and entertainment stars are impressed by his natural and simple wisdom and humorous conversation, have become his "milk believer,". Yang s Mandarin with a thick local accent has become a distinct characteristic of his personality temperament.
At present, Yang Wenjun is operating another event: throughout the country, selecting the land with favorable natural conditions to build large-scale eco-farm, through which Mengniu hopes to break the fixed mode of industry operation, upgrade the original milk supply system and the production chain, and preempt the opportunities of milk source construction, which would provide the guarantee to Mengniu for the second prosperity. With Mengniu s upgrade of the industry chain, shouldn t the title of president Yang Wenjun --- "Mr. Milk" change into "Mr. Grassland"?
At the beginning of founding, Mengniu proposed the brand development strategy of Menfniu China cow World cow . Nowadays, after 10 years persistent efforts, in the point of the markets, Mengniu can be called a world cow , but apparently, Yang Wenjun has more thoughts:
"Mengniu's brand potential needs to be further strengthened, sales force can not represent the brand strength, marketing can develop in a high-speed and even leap, but the brand can not, which must rely on the accumulation bit by bit and day by day.