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Mengniu s One Hundred Activities of Saving the Earth

Mengniu s One Hundred Activities of Saving the Earth

Write: Rikako [2011-05-20]

Nerver to be the Victims of Climate Change
Before the Copenhagen Summit, people placed great expectation on it and called it the last chance for human beings to rescue themselves. However, the result of the negotiation was not that satisfactory. As citizens of the earth, what should we do to the climate? Recently, Mengniu Ecological Grassland Fundation initiated the activity of One Hundred Aactivities of Saving the Earth, and called on the netizens to join in the post-Copenhagen era s vanguard of guarding the earth homeland.
After logging in http://green.mengniumilk.com.cn, netizens could participate the environment protection activities by stating their own green declarations , giving advice, and having interactions with other netizens. The statistics show that using the energy saving lamps , turning off the computer display at the noon break and using self-bringing shopping bags are the most popular activities among the netizens. Many netizens positively provide their own good methods of environment protections used in their daily lives. What s more, someone has left messages said, It is human being s cruelty that destroys our earth and homeland. It s the time for us to realize it!
This activity is a new attempt for Mengniu Ecological Grassland Fundation to spread ecological ideas. They choose the most convenient entry media networks to call on more people to participate earth-saving activities. After logging in the website, netizens could not only participate the environment protection activities, but also supervise and survey what Mengniu has done on the low-carbon.
The data shows that for traditional breeding industry, livesock feces have been a big problem for environment protection. The key for Mengniu to turn the problem into opportunity is to use bio-gas power project for seeking green-gold economy. It is known that this project is matching with Mengniu Austasia International Dairy Farm whose daily treating capacity of manure reaches 500 tons and daily production of methane reaches 12,000 cubic meters with annual power production 10,000,000 kwh, which is directly connected to the national power grids. The annual greenhouse emission reduction reaches about 25,000 tons of CO2. The United Nations Development Programme particularly grants this project as the Project of Promoting Chinese Renewable Energy in Commercialization and Large-scale Model Project of Bio-gas Power Technology. Next year, Mengniu will further invest RMB 10 million to build large-scale organic fertilizer production workshops and greatly develop organic fertilizer industry so as to improve soil and food nutrition radically, which can benefit our descendents.
Actually in recent years, Mengniu has been positively advocating green ecological environment-protection ideas, creating low-carbon green industry chain in milk industry, implementing green strategy of ecological grassland , building China s ecological grassland and interpreting the enterprise spirit Everyday, for Tomorrow by feasible actions, which is Mengniu s real intention to initiate the activity of One Hunderd Activities of Saving the Earth to join the vanguard of protecting the climate.