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Promoting "Three Transformations" and Realizing Transition Across New Development

Promoting "Three Transformations" and Realizing Transition Across New Development

Write: Junior [2011-05-20]
In the morning of January 14th, TISCO Group held the Third Session of the 16th Workers Congress ceremoniously. The Workers Congress is an important meeting of company in the first year of "the 12th five-year". The main task of the meeting is: comprehensively summarizes the works of 2010 and "11th five-year"; mobilizes all cadres and workers to complet the goal of 2011 satisfactorily and starts a good step for "12th five-year ; promote the company to realize the transition spanning development.
Group company general manager Hu Yuting gave an administrative work report of which the topic is Grab the Opportunity, Gather Advantages, Ascend Ability, Try to Realize the Transition Across New Development.
The report reviewed and summarized the work during 2010. For one year, facing the complex business environment, by great efforts and unity of the company staff, the company performance realized stable growth. Year-round steel production was 9.59 million tons, the growth was 1.37% year-on-year, among it, stainless steel was 2.72 million tonnes year-on-year with an increase of 9.68% year-on-year, remaining the world's first. Operating revenue achieved 111.5 billion yuan with an increase of 10.07% year-on-year; the profit realized 2.5 billion yuan with an increase of 140.38%; profits tax realized 4.2 billion yuan with an increase of 35.48%. The company made progress mainly in the following aspects: first, steel industry developed steadily; Second, resource strategy implementation was speeded up; Third, multiple industry got thriving development; Fourth, green development gained brilliant achievements, Fifth, innovation ability constantly upgraded, Sixth, Group control deepened comprehensively, Seventh, worker life improved continuously; Eighth, the enterprise image displayed completely.
The report reviewed and summarized the main achievements during "11th five-year ". In the past five years, although macron situation change sharply, the company withstood the severe test; with all employees striving and struggle, the company created an extraordinary performance; The company accelerated transformation development, put forward and promoted the development mode of "three transformations", got obvious effect;, The company accumulated valuable experiences laying a good foundation for the future development. The development during 11th five-year will be wriiten into TISCO history annal with its glorious achievements of the quickest speed, the best quality, the most benefits for worker, the greatest contribution to society.
Combining the current situation, the report presented the development blueprint of the company during the 12th five-year . the overall idea and goal during the 12th five-year are: Taking scientific development as the theme, transformation development as the main line, technological innovation as a driving force, the ability construction as the core, team construction as the guarantee, the company will promote the "three transformations", comprehensively. Adhering to strengthen the main business, insisting on extention development, diversified development, green development and harmonious development, to build the company into the world's most competitive stainless steel enterprise, by 2015, business income reaches above 200 billion yuan, to make company as the domestic first-class, the world famous large enterprise group. Therefore, all the company employee have to unite ideas, unify cognition, unify action, and strive to achieve the "three must". First, must correctly know the situation, enhance the sense of crisis and urgency. Second, must clear about the development direction, do insist on extention development, diversified development, green development and harmonious development. Third, must grasp the key points of work, correctly deal with the relationships between making steel main business stronger and bigger and industry extension, multiple business, enterprise development and social development, business growth and ability construction.
The report arranged the work in 2011. The year of 2011 is the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese communist party and the initial year of "12th five-year", is also the key year for company transformation spanning development. It has a great significance for well completing the year's job. The guiding ideology of company work is: conscientiously carrying out the conference spirits of the fifth session of 17th national congress, the ninth session of 11th provincial congress, central and provincial economic working conference, centering on the company's development strategic goal, accelerates various abilities, continuously promots the "three transformations", deepens reform and innovation, optimizes the allocation of resources, plays synergies and further enhances the comprehensive competitiveness, opening a good begining and starting a good step. Main goal is: steel output reaches 11.26 million tons, including stainless steel 300 tons, the income reaches 125 billion yuan and the worker per capita income grow by more than 10 percent. To ensure to realize the above targets, it is important to do the following jobs well: putting responsibility subjects into practice, playing the role of each business unit; Paying special attention to the key projects, cultivating the new generation for company's future development; Speeding up the industrial strategic layout, promoting stereo multivariate development; Innovating green development mode, melting into the city circulation; Deepening the standard for poor, promoting work performance level, Strengthening technology innovation, forming differentiation competitive advantage; Establishing a long-term mechanism and improving the safety management controlled degree; Strengthening group control, enhancing the company's resources allocation capability, Strengthening the team building, providing guarantee for transformation spanning development; making ten useful things, and adding power for building a harmonious enterprise.