Chinese researchers have compared the retention period of mushrooms in normal air to 80% or 100% O . Treating with gas and especially 100% O was found to be effective in extending the shelve life and the quality.
The mushrooms were stored for a period of 12 days at 2 C in 3 different circumstances: 100% O , 80% O and air. The respiration speed was suppressed at 80% and at 100% and there was no difference between them. Loss of weight was less than 1.5% with all treatments. Loss of solidity was significantly higher when treated with oxygen than with air. 100% O was effective in decreasing the brownish colour and the leakage of electrolytes. The outside colour of the mushrooms changed slightly at 100% O . The polyphenol oxidation activity (PPO) was significantly higher at 100% O . The peroxidase activity (POD) was highest in oxygen on the eighth day and then decreased.
The conclusion of the researchers is, that storage in a high oxygen standard and especially 100% O is effective in maintaining the quality of mushrooms in storage.
Source: Int. Journal of Food Science & Technology