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China is world's largest producer of vegetables

China is world's largest producer of vegetables

Write: Yasar [2011-05-20]
China is one of the world's fastest growing retail markets. This represents an opportunity for producers of vegetables to supply these retailers. "China is already the world's largest producer of vegetables with 50% of global production. However, the production sector is fragmented and low-tech", explains Gidi Dekker of G&C Group. "As a result, major retailers in China face tremendous difficulty in sourcing high quality vegetables."

G&C Group took this opportunity by involving in the establishment of a high-tech greenhouse for the production of tomatoes, cucumbers and other greenhouse vegetables for major Chinese retail accounts (supermarkets). The company has already secured interest and signed contracts with these retailers, foodservice operators, logistic service, suppliers and produce companies.

The project will be established on Chongming Island, which is located 1 hour's drive from Shanghai. G&C Group made a principal agreement with the local government for allocating a 50 hectare plot of land, where they can build their greenhouse. "The greenhouse will be able to deliver high quality and consistent vegetables on a year-round basis, using environmentally sustainable production methods, which does not exist in China."

The company has built a group of technology suppliers and stakeholders. "They can turn vegetable growth management into solid vegetable production business opportunities throughout China." The project will be managed onsite by a combination of Dutch and Chinese experts.
G&C Group wants to be a vital pinprick in China's challenged Food & Agribusiness industry which is suffering from floods, draught and food scandals. "We apply experience, gut feel, knowledge of the Chinese Food & Agribusiness for newcomers to the Chinese market, but also for China-old hands." The company developed a vast network of Chinese retail chains, trading companies, Logistic Service Providers (LSP), lawyers, bankers and (local) government bodies. "Therefore we can offer our clients access to this pool of connections in the Chinese Food & Agribusiness. Also very important, our company balances commercial drive with sustainable and fair practices."
The company is willing to build bridges between (Dutch) enterprises and Chinese farmers, local governments, investors and food suppliers. "We are looking forward to meeting investors and potential business partners who would like to expand to China."