On the circumstances of world financial crisis, Suli technology made innovative ideas, developed by transformation, co-worked with Peking University professional team to build work station in bio-medicine area. On the morning of June 26th, the opening ceremony of Suli work station, also the 20 year anniversary of Suli was held in company.
Zhu Minyang, member of municipal committee and party secretary of Jiangyin made speech. Cao Suming, deputy director of provincial technology bureau, Wang Xinan, mayor of Jiangyin opened the establishment ceremony card. City leaders Cai Yeming, Xue Liang, Sun Yin, and Fei Ping attended the opening ceremony.
On the opening ceremony, Zhu said that recalling the innovative history in past 20 years, it was so exciting and encouraging for people. Su Li people were all the models in hard struggle and striving pioneers. In the past 20 years, Su Li people always kept the on-ground working style, strived for success of startups, continued to pursue better, went after all goals, which realized good results from scratch, from small size to big size, from weak to strong, new stride with pioneering spirit. Su Li technology unswervingly developed enterprise by technology and talents, braved to compare with stronger ones, strived for higher level. Therefore, they not only collected lots of outstanding talents and excellent technology institutions, but also armed with their own core technology; Su Li people were all the pioneers in going after better and dedicated. On the path of development, Su Li technology continuously insisted on honest enterprise spirit, made careful work, managed precisely and scientifically, separated industries with different duties, which promoted the fast growth of enterprise and great step forward in same area.
Zhu thought that the establishment of work station set by Peking University with leadership of Zhang lihe, was an important sign for stepping higher level and new start. Meanwhile, it provided good view and model for enterprise s transformed development and innovative development by talents and science. He hoped that Su Li could set up higher orientation, higher goals, and better marketing position to make breakthrough. All company levels should play leading role in innovative development, further get together resources, strengthen supports, make breakthrough, reach glorious achievements by cooperation, carry out excellent work tradition to get more remarkable achievements.
Su Li technology founded in 1990 was an enterprise starting from Libr . In the 20 year developing road, it gradually developed beyond fine chemicals, gradually realized development in agricultural chemicals, flame retardants, pharmaceutical intermediate, industrial fungicides and API five different fields. Currently, the company already owned core technologies in bromide, ammonia oxidation gas, gas chlorination. In the first half year, relying on enterprise work stations, it has completed project approval in biomedical industry- first phase of Oukainasi Company and was under construction.