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USA:The Fusion of Textiles, Art & Technology Lecture coming soon

USA:The Fusion of Textiles, Art & Technology Lecture coming soon

Write: Doran [2011-05-20]
The Fusion of Textiles, Art & Technology exhibition is scheduled to be held on May 18, 2008.
Not everything interesting in textiles was invented in the past. In fact there is a revolution in textiles brewing which combines high tech materials and historical textile techniques to fabricate flexible electronic devices and unique active art forms.
During this lecture, Dr. Patricia Wilson will explore how a loosely allied group of engineers and artists have transformed the traditional idea of what a "textile" can do.
Needle Felt a Miniature Animal:
Learn basic needle felting techniques, then make an animal of you choice sized to sit on the palm of your hand. Teens and older (or those able to work with a sharp needle). Class meets for one 4-6 hour session, held at ATHM.
Weaving Lessons for Kids:
Learn to weave a project on a loom already prepared for you, or choose the multi-day program and learn to warp your loom, as well.
Weaving Lessons:
Learn the entire weaving process, from warping a loom to weaving your own sampler. Class meets for four 3-hour sessions, held at ATHM. All materials provided. Looms available.
Spinning Lessons:
Learn to spin yarn on both a traditional Ashford style wheel, and on a great wheel. Class meets for two 2 ½ -hour sessions, held at ATHM. All materials provided.
Spinning on a Drop Spindle:
Learn to spin yarn on a drop spindle. Class meets for one session.
Inkle Loom Lessons:
Learn to use the compact, simple inkle loom to make a project. Inkle looms produce narrow strips or bands of warp-faced cloth or ribbon, handy for belts, headbands, bookmarks, etc. Class meets for 1-2 sessions, held at ATHM.
If Lucy Larcom Quilted:
Choose a template of a traditional quilt pattern available to mill girls while they worked in Lowell circa 1825-1850, and hand-piece a quilted project. Basic quilting instruction provided for beginners. Sew reproduction fabrics by hand. Patterns provided.
Children's Woven Wonders:
Using the fundamentals of weaving, learn an assortment of weaving patterns using strips of fabric, then transform your woven samples into a woven quilt. Each student will complete a small quilt featuring their woven pattern blocks.