Shiv Kumar Gupta, Executive Director-cum-Secretary of CEPC informs that the Council has decided to participate in 37 House & Gift Fair South America to be held in Expo Center Norte, Sao Paulo (Brazil) from 16th to 19th August, 2008. Brazil is an important market in LAC and having great potential for Carpets & Floor coverings.
At present Brazil has achieved a high growth for these products along with other sectors of the economy. The House & Gift Fair is the largest Annual Fair for Housewares & Gifts held in Brazil.
This event is going to offer you an opportunity to get interaction with the leading buyers of Carpets & Floor coverings. Participation charges has been fixed by this Council, @ Rs.20,000/- per participant which includes approx.
12 sq.metres stand.
Participating firms are entitled for reimbursement of Air fare within the maximum ceiling of Rs.1,00,000/- as per the MDA Guidelines.
We would, therefore, request you to please send your application alongwith participation charges of Rs.20,000/- by D/D in favour of this Council latest by 16th May, 2008.
Since the space is limited to 148 sq.metres available with the Council, as such, the space shall be allotted on first come first serve basis.
It may please be noted that the Council reserves the right for selection of any of the applicants for the above show.
Please also note that the withdrawal after 23rd May, 2008 shall not be allowed and participation charges paid by the applicant shall not be refunded.