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USA:FTC to publish FR notice reopening on Textile Rules petition

USA:FTC to publish FR notice reopening on Textile Rules petition

Write: Prapti [2011-05-20]
Commission approval of Federal Register notice: The Commission has approved the publication of a Federal Register notice reopening the public comment period on a petition submitted to the FTC pursuant to the Textile Rules and Regulations Under the Textile Fiber Products Identification Act (Textile Rules). The petition was submitted by Mohawk Industries Inc, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, and PTT Poly Canada.
As detailed in the earlier Federal Register notice, published on August 24, 2007, the FTC solicited comments on whether to amend Rule 7(c) of the Textile Rules to establish a new generic fiber subclass name and definition, within the existing definition of “polyester,” for a specifically proposed subclass of fibers made from poly (trimethylene terephthalate), or PTT.
According to the petitioners, the PTT fiber, while having the general chemical composition of polyester, has distinctive features related to durability, resilience, softness, and ability to stretch with recovery, and these features will make it more suitable than conventional polyester for carpet and apparel.
The notice also sought comments on whether, in the event that the petition does not warrant the establishment of a new fiber subclass, Rule 7(c) should be broadened to clarify its definition of polyester to more accurately describe the molecular structure and physical characteristics of PTT and any similar fibers.
The Commission received several comments in response to the initial notice that raised issues worthy of additional time for public review and comment. Accordingly, through the notice announced today, the agency has reopened the comment period for 30 days, through May 5, 2008. In addition to containing information on the comment that led to the Commission’s decision to reopen the comment period, the notice tells how to submit comments and where they should be sent.