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Increased Domestic Pork Consumption Promoted

Increased Domestic Pork Consumption Promoted

Write: Halifax [2011-05-20]
CANADA - The Canadian Pork Council hopes to replace imported pork on the plates of Canadian consumers with Canadian pork through the creation of a new national pork market development organization, writes Bruce Cochrane.

A new national pork market development organisation is being created through the Canadian Pork Council to promote the increased consumption of Canadian pork by Canadian consumers.
Curtiss Littlejohn, the interim chair of national domestic pork marketing says the agency will build on work started by Pork Marketing Canada and will focus on increasing the value to Canadian hog producers of pork marketed domestically, undertake research to determine where opportunities exist, prioritize those opportunities, and strike alliances with industry players to capture the opportunities.

Curtiss Littlejohn-Canadian Pork Council

What this organisation is going to entail is that we will have producers on the board, we will have a general manager from one of the provincial pork organisations on the board and we're going to look to industry to provide three or four board members who are experts or very well respected people in terms of marketing and marketing promotion.
What we're going to focus on is the key things that make Canadian pork different than other places in the world.
We're going to focus on our genetics, we're going to look at building things such as grading so that we can and the consumer can understand why one cut of pork may be slightly better than another cut of pork, why our export markets have already in place some form of grading, we're going to build on the Canadian Quality Assurance model which is a HACCP based farm food safety program and we're looking at taking it to the domestic consumers with the goal being to retake a large portion of the Canadian pork market that has gone to exports.

Mr Littlejohn says officials hope to have the agency in operation by 1 February and from there the business plan and marketing strategy will be developed for moving forward over the next few years.