Cautious price recovery for Peru mango's after difficult months
Roddie [2011-05-20]
The market for Peruvian mango's has finally recovered to an acceptable level. "It has been difficult during the last few weeks" an importer reflects. From November/December there is a lot of fruit, which was not quite ripe enough, shipped to Europe. Mainly small sizes (10/12) were sent and there is actually no market for these in the Netherlands and Germany. The UK does take these sizes, but the mango's were also not good enough for the European market. "As a result there were some problems at various importers. Too much fruit arrived and prices were very low. After that there were strikes, much less fruit arrived and now we see a small recovery of the prices" the importer continues. Peru is at the moment the largest supplier of mango's. Mango's from Brazil (mainly Petrolina) are arriving left and right, especially the Tommy Atkins-variety. But supply is not very steady.
Hass-avocado's come, at the end of the Chilean season, mainly from Israel and Spain. The prices of the avocados increase somewhat with a present level of 7/8 euro. The large volumes from Chile are something of the past. Spain will be the largest supplier during the coming months, till April/May the South African season starts again.