After some difficult times in Australia with the fruit crops caused by extreme weather conditions. It's hard to get a good picture of the current status, but below is the status of the Australian fruit crops.
There was more damage to mandarin crops by the floods than first thought. This resulted in fruit drop. However the heavier crop load in other regions, means there is no reduction in crop overall, but just less increase to original expectation. In general oranges look set for a good season, returning to 2009 levels, when the Navel harvest starts in June.
Australian bananas are grown in the region hit by cyclone Yasi this week. The region that was hit, is the region where 80% of Australian bananas are grown. It seems that Yasi has knocked out 75% of that crop.
Avocados survived better with at this stage around 20% loss from an area that grows around 10% of total Australian avocados.
Grapes are holding on with harvesting going steadily now. The while weather holds, but it won't be a bumper crop.
Cherries are almost finished but have been affected by rain. This caused little availability suitable to export.
Summerfruit has also been affected by rain in the east part of the country. There were also difficulties with achieving export quality volumes. Western Australian plums though, are predicted to have a good season during Feb and March.