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Junior Achievement China Branch President Zhou Baoluo Delivers his Presentation on Leadership

Junior Achievement China Branch President Zhou Baoluo Delivers his Presentation on Leadership

Write: Rajan [2011-05-20]

The presentation on leadership, one of the 100 presentations by celebrities, was held on the Chang'an campus on Nov. 3. Mr. Zhou Baoluo shares his thinking on leadership with NPU students. The presentation is sponsored by Student Affairs Office, the Committee of the Communist Youth League of NPU and JA China Branch and organized by the Branch Committee of the Communist Youth League of School of Power and Energy.

Mr. Zhou elaborates on leadership, its characteristics, how to become a successful business leader and how to culture and exploit resource leadership and then answers the students' questions on them. He says that leadership is not something innate but constantly cultured, apprehended and summarized. Nowadays it is difficult to find jobs, and therefore it is particularly important to have career planning ability, interpersonal relationship and team work ability and to know about business operation and management.

His perfect, vivid and humorous language affects almost every student, and the classroom is in a lively atmosphere. He sincerely hopes that young people should carry on the traditions, have far-reaching ideals and original ideas and be enterprising.

This activity is NPU's second cooperation with JA China Branch. From now on JA China Branch will invite more businesspeople to NPU to give lectures, to help students prepare for job-seeking and business-establishing and to train in students the creativity and leadership required by socio-economic development.

Junior Achievement China Branch President Zhou Baoluo Delivers his Presentation on Leadership

Junior Achievement China Branch President Zhou Baoluo Delivers his Presentation on Leadership

Source: NPU View in Chinese by Ma Tingting

Translated by Zuo Liankai