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Ping An Provides Accidental Insurance Coverage to the Rescue Team of Red Cross

Ping An Provides Accidental Insurance Coverage to the Rescue Team of Red Cross

Write: Milind [2011-05-20]

Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd ( Ping An ) recently announced the provision of RMB300,000 accidental insurance coverage to the rescue team of the Red Cross, which further demonstrates the Company s support of the organization.
19 members of the Red Cross who recently participated in the rescue activity of Heilongjiang s severe flood were awarded the insurance policies.
Give back to the community and build the country has always been a core mission of Ping An. The Company has supported the Red Cross for several years. In May 2002, when Ping An celebrated its 14th anniversary, the Company donated 38 blood donation vehicles worth RMB10 million. After that, Ping An organized blood donation drives every year, with a total blood donation volume of over 4 million milliliters. In 2004, Ping An began to support the establishment of a blood bank and provided accident and critical illness insurance coverage for those who donated blood. Over one year, 230 donors have received the insurance policies. Within the same year, employees of Ping An have donated a total of RMB1 million to the Red Cross for victims of the Southeast Asia Tsunami catastrophe.
In recognition of Ping An s contribution, the Red Cross has awarded the 2004 Best Blood Donation Promotion Award to the Company.
Serving the community is a core part of Ping An s corporate citizenship philosophy. Over the years, the Company has made great contributions in areas such as education, supporting the Red Cross, disaster relief and child safety. In addition to donating blood donation vehicles to the Red Cross, insurance policies to hemopoietic stem cells donors and organizing blood donation activity for employees, Ping An has also built 36 Hope Primary Schools and initiated the China Teenagers & Children Safety Action and the Elite Student Program . The participation in rescue and charity activities during floods, earthquakes and SARS has demonstrated the Company s corporate citizenship. The Company s contribution continues to be recognized by the community and was awarded the Most Respected Company and the Best Corporate Citizen . Said Mr. Sun Jianyi, Executive Director and Executive Vice President of Ping An.

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