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Baosteel Honored Chinese Benchmarking Green Corporations

Baosteel Honored Chinese Benchmarking Green Corporations

Write: Jaina [2011-05-20]

The result of appraisal of the first yearly Chinese benchmarking green corporations was announced lately. Baosteel was one of the 20 benchmarking corporations.

The appraisal was sponsored jointly by China Entrepreneur Magazine, Price Waterhouse Coopers and Climate Change Capital. The appraisal group comprises authoritative experts from related fields and representatives of nongovernmental organizations from home and broad. The appraisal criterion involves various links such as corporation strategy operation, product, marketing, etc.; and for the first time in China was proposed the complete systematic framework for appraisal of Chinese corporation environment and social strategy. All the corporations chosen as Chinese benchmarking green corporations of the first time are excellent in their respective fields, with good operation achievements and social reputation and at the same time outstanding in environment protection and social responsibility.